- Khan Academy
- Project Gutenberg
- Berkeley Lectures
- MIT Lectures
- Stanford Lectures
- Yale Lectures
- Harvard Lectures
Science News:
- ScienceDaily
- NyTimes Science
- Eureka Alert
- Physorg
- E! Science News
- MSNBC Science News
- Nature
- Space.com
- NASA News
Science Magazines:
- New Scientist
- Popsci
- American Scientist
- Discover Mag
- Scientific American
- Science Mag
- Astronomy
- Skeptic
Free Audio Books:
- The Theory of Relativity
- The Elements of Botany
- The Elements of Entomology
- Metaphysics by Aristotle
- An Introduction to Metaphysics
- The Descent or Origin of Man by Charles Darwin(Part1, Part2, Part3)
- Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin
Interesting Lectures:
- The Search for Another Earth
- How Do We Search for Life on Other Worlds?
- The Death of the Dinosaurs: 27 Years Later
- The Universe Has No Center and You're Not There
- Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe
- Astrobiology and the Origins of Life
- The Planets--A Solar System Journey
- Evolution of Life in the Universe
- Dark Matter and the Ultimate Fate of the Universe
Radio Programs:
Work still in progress***
StarTalk Radio